We have decided that it would be a good idea to have the December meeting earlier in the month so as not to clash with the festivities. Also we are planning something a little different, a second hand tackle sale, a chance for you all to palm off your old tat on somebody else! Or looking at it another way a chance to get some last minute christmas prezzies. A small percentage of everybodys sales will be given to the regions kitty. The date we are thinking is Friday 17th December.
This will be followed/interspersed with a screening of the incredible short film Lair Of The Water Wolf this is what the films author Dean Burman has to say about it "I came to the conclusion that most of our native species have been covered in one way or another. So once again i donned my scuba gear and headed off to film an infamous freshwater legend The Pike (Esox Lucius). Lair of the Waterwolf was a real labour of love, even the aspect of diving in water that could drop to 3oc didn’t deter me from filming this amazing creature. Spending day after day in two territories I finally witnessed and captured some unique behavioural footage. This was the filmmaking i’d dreamt of knuckling down to some real, testing hard work and uncovering secrets that helped to change peoples impressions of my subject. Lair of the Waterwolf went on to win 8 international film awards to date, including North Cyprus, Belgrade and again at Moscow. It also won the

We are hoping that if he is available Dean will come and talk to us about the making of the film or if not that he will sign a copy for us to raffle. More details will be released nearer to the date. If we do not already have your e-mail address and you would like to be sent the Devon Region newsletter which will be starting in September then please e-mail me devonpiker@yahoo.co.uk
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